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I Need Cards!


Please include your first and last name, and an email address you regularly check (filters occasionally send our responses to SPAM/JUNK).

Allow up to 48 hours for an email response. We will not acknowledge expedite requests, nor alternative forms of contact.

Include the game you are requesting cards for at the top of your submission. If you would like a specific version of a card, state that next to its name. Otherwise, our cheapest available copy will be pulled.


Bulk prices (cards under $2.00, AND not in our display cases):

MTG Token - 50¢ each
MTG Common - 50¢ each
MTG Uncommon - 75¢ each
MTG Rare/Mythic - $1.00 each

YGO Common - 25¢ each
YGO Rare - 50¢ each
YGO Holo - $1.00each

PKM Nonfoil Common - 25¢ each
PKM Nonfoil Uncommon - 50¢ each
PKM Rare/Holo Rare - $1.00 each

LOR Common/Uncommon - 50¢ each
LOR Rare/Super - $1.00 each
LOR Legendary - $1.50 each

OP Common/Uncommon - 25¢ each
OP Foil - $1.00 each